The following is a great article about the dominant variant circulating in the U.S. as well as information on research done on those in the V.A. who’ve had repeat cases.
One of the complications of some of the vaccines used for Covid-19 is severe blood clots.
Why do these form and what can be done to prevent them?
Researchers have been conducting extensive study into the causes and solutions to this complication.
One of the observations of possible contributing factors is antibodies.
In some people, their bodies produce antibodies against components in the blood. This leads to clots being formed within the blood vessels, including major vessels of the heart, lungs, and kidneys.
Another possible cause of these rare blood clots is the actual methodology in administering the vaccination.
Many practitioners will “draw back” on the plunger to check whether a vein has been penetrated. This has been shown to be a helpful check in order to avoid administering this vaccine directly into blood vessels.
It has been found in laboratory testing in mice that vaccines administered directly into blood vessels contributed to blood clots.
For further reading, please visit this link. (Excellent article)
Source: “Covid Vaccines and Blood Clots: What Researchers Know So Far” by Heidi Ledford in Nature Available at Accessed 11/18/2021.
Is it possible for the SARS-CoV-2 to spread among animals?
We all recall the cases of Coronavirus among mink and the massive slaughtering in mink farms to slow the spread of the disease.
But, does Covid spread among other mammalians?
There is new reports emerging of spread occurring among white-tail deer in North America.
There have been documented cases of animals such as lions, tigers, ferrets, monkeys, and domesticated cats and dogs testing positive for the Coronavirus.
What actions should be taken in light of this?
1.) If you are around animals, exercise caution (especially pertaining to the above mentioned animals) – they may be infected.
2.) If you care for animals and you yourself have Covid, avoid being in contact with animals and/or practice preventive measures to avoid potentially spreading your illness.
Israel has long been a leader in the prevention of the Coronavirus infection.
It is a country known to have a large percentage of its nationals vaccinated against the Coronavirus.
Here is an interesting protocol applied in Israel:
The leaders have limited “entry to any indoor event with 100 people to attendees with valid vaccination cards, certificates of recovery, or recent negative COVID tests.
In addition, limits to entry will also be imposed, regardless of number of attendees, on all sports and cultural events, gyms, restaurants, and dining halls, conferences, synagogues . . . .” (1)
Personally, this was a tactic that I thought would be great early on in the Coronavirus surge:
For those who’ve had the virus and can prove recovery with a validated doctor’s script or now, for those who are fully vaccinated, allowing these individuals access to larger gatherings, etc. (e.g. – sports programs, larger social events, etc.) Obviously, for those at high risk, they should personally abstain from such gatherings (or those who have higher risk household members and contacts.)
For information pertaining to current caseload in Israel, please visit the following. link
(1) From “Israel reimposes Green Passport restrictions amid pharma negotiations for 3rd shot” by Mordecai Sones Accessed 9/9/21
fyi – Interesting fact: The country’s first case was from a returning traveler on the Diamond Princess. (link)
“If we had fast, highly accurate, and inexpensive home testing, we could repeatedly test ourselves before going to work, heading off to school, or otherwise spending time near others. If the tests were more accurate, we could more confidently rely on testing to know when it’s safe to relax distancing, masking, and other protective measures. But we aren’t there yet.”
Dr. Robert Shmerling, M.D.
(1) From “Which Test Is Best for Covid-19?” by Dr. Robert Shmerling, MD. Accessed 9/1/2021.
Wishing to DRAMATICALLY improve the sound of your music on a Zoom meeting?
(This works for instruments such as piano, guitar, strings, etc.)
Try this EASY step:
On a laptop/PC: At top left of screen, look for wording that says something like “turn on original sound.”
On cell phone/tablet: Usually on the bottom right is a series of three dots. Click on these and select option “turn on original sound.”
Now, it should correctly read “Turn OFF original sound.” When this is the statement, you are achieving a far better music audio experience for your Zoom audience.
Another example of how easily transmissible Covid-19 is. Think all holiday well-wishes bring good cheer? Unfortunately for those in a San Jose, CA hospital, not necessarily. A well-meaning individual appears to have contributed to an outbreak at that facility.
The country where with a click of a mouse, one can get food delivered to one’s doorstep, access healthcare via video conference, and order a product from halfway across the world.
The N95 mask
What is so important about N95?
The N95 is a mask that is manufactured in a way to block 95% of the particles coming through its fibers.
This became very important with the arrival of Covid-19. Typical cloth or surgical masks are only able to block maximum 30% of particles.
Ninety-five percent sounds far better in comparison.
This type of mask was previously used for such varied duties as woodworking, allergy suffers, painters, etc.
So, what is going on now with the supply of N95?
The Washington Post has a fantastic article concerning the shortage of N95 masks.