Wishing to DRAMATICALLY improve the sound of your music on a Zoom meeting?
(This works for instruments such as piano, guitar, strings, etc.)
Try this EASY step:
On a laptop/PC: At top left of screen, look for wording that says something like “turn on original sound.”
On cell phone/tablet: Usually on the bottom right is a series of three dots. Click on these and select option “turn on original sound.”
Now, it should correctly read “Turn OFF original sound.” When this is the statement, you are achieving a far better music audio experience for your Zoom audience.
The country where with a click of a mouse, one can get food delivered to one’s doorstep, access healthcare via video conference, and order a product from halfway across the world.
The N95 mask
What is so important about N95?
The N95 is a mask that is manufactured in a way to block 95% of the particles coming through its fibers.
This became very important with the arrival of Covid-19. Typical cloth or surgical masks are only able to block maximum 30% of particles.
Ninety-five percent sounds far better in comparison.
This type of mask was previously used for such varied duties as woodworking, allergy suffers, painters, etc.
So, what is going on now with the supply of N95?
The Washington Post has a fantastic article concerning the shortage of N95 masks.
Have you wondered what it is actually like to have Covid-19?
Sure, you hear the horror stories – rush to the emergency room, breathlessness, forced insertion of a ventilator tube, etc.; but truly, what is it like for an “average” person to have Coronanavirus?
Bill Plaschke is such a man. He is a sports writer and also now, a Coronavirus patient.
He never wanted to be a “statistic” in the Covid-19 tally of infected individuals.
He, like me, was diligent in his prevention measures. But one time of letting down his guard was the opportunity that Covid-19 used to gain access to his body.
Most urban education sources espouse not talking politics. The following is one example in which I will break this rule.
There seems to be a great divide in the use of face masks.
As an example, take simple note of the front-runner candidates –
Democratic nominee Joe Biden is frequently seen wearing a mask in public appearances. In addition, he espouses that it will be mandatory to wear a face mask if he is elected.
On the other hand, President Donald Trump is frequently seen not wearing a mask (obviously important and necessary for a person who is speaking publicly). His approach appears balanced – safety measures are in place, yet mask-wearing is also encouraged.
The mask-viewpoint can also be analyzed from state governor’s standpoints. Various states indeed have widely varying rules regarding the use of face masks. California is very strong in mask-wearing laws; whereas mid-western states are not as strict.
What are your observations regarding legislation concerning mask-wearing?
As sports begin to open up, let’s view some cases of what is occurring.
In the United States, Coronavirus cases are still occurring, though most places are not hot spots for the Coronavirus.
Many teams are training and positioned to resume.
In the sport of soccer, one team was preparing for a game. However, testing revealed 5 of the players tested positive for COVID-19. To me, that is incredible! Did these players exhibit symptoms? Where did they catch the virus? (Was it actually spread from other teammates?)
In this particular case, the match was postponed until a later point.
This is a great video on how to safely participate in outdoor exercise during the Coronavirus.
(One personal addition – I would set my worn mask aside for as long as possible prior to washing. Make sure to wash hands after removing mask as well.)
Outdoor activity ideas:
Walking/hiking (non-populated areas)
Bike riding (rural areas)
Picnic with your family
Make sure to still practice social distancing with those who are not members of your household.
For additional tips and suggestions, visit this post.
Sitting in the same seat as a person carrying coronavirus – can you catch it?
Apparently yes, as demonstrated by an individual in Singapore. This individual came down with the disease, having had no known exposure to anyone sick with the virus.
When others in her town also perplexingly came down with the virus, contact tracing was performed, which yielded some amazing results and further information regarding this virus’ ability to spread.
A couple, unknown to themselves to be infected, attended church. Two other individuals attending the same service later became infected with the Coronavirus.
However, a mysteriously infected person appeared. Someone who had no previous exposure to an infected individual. Someone who was not even in the service of those infected.
This person happened to sit in the same seat at a later activity as the originally infected couple. Several days later, she had Covid-19.
As this case demonstrates, there are asymptomatic carriers.
This virus is easily spread.
It can be caught several hours after the infected person has been in a location.
It may be transmitted to someone even if they have never seen the infected individual.
Unknown to many, mass graves are still in use today.
New York City is a prime example, illustrated more poignantly with the current Coronavirus crises.
With the sheer magnitude of people in such a small geographical area, what is to be done when large numbers of its metropolis pass away?
Hart Island, located near the Bronx, has been a burial site, dating back to use even around Civil War time. Many of those buried there are due to being unclaimed bodies – the families either were unaware of their loved one’s passing or could not afford to bury them. Individuals with infectious diseases such as AIDS or typhoid have also been buried on the island in hopes of preventing further disease transmission.
With the high number of fatalities during the Coronavirus pandemic, Hart Island has understandably needed to be used more frequently as a burying site.
Prior to Covid-19, mass burials only occurred there about twice a week. Now, mass burials are occurring with repeated consistency.
Interestingly, there are times where a family member or close friend will facilitate a disinterment of a loved one placed there, providing for a burial in a different burial site. There is a lot of paperwork involved, but this has occurred in several cases.
One side note, for those who say that this pandemic is a made-up hoax, they need only ask those who work on Hart Island or any similar location. Those who see the fall-out of a pandemic, see the sheer numbers of those affected, have no doubts of the existence of a very serious disease and of its influence.
For further reading, see the following: Link (excellent article, including photos of Hart Island) and link.
Information for this post was obtained from The Washington Post “Mass-Grave Burials on Hart Island in New York Rise FiveFold” (2020, April 16) by Jada Yuan. Link